Moana Jr Production Photos

In a groundbreaking moment for ICA, the musical theatre department proudly presented its very first-ever performance this past November. The show was met with overwhelming enthusiasm and applause, marking a new chapter in the school’s history.

The highly anticipated debut production, titled Moana Jr, captivated the audience with a dynamic mix of costuming, vibrant sets, and unforgettable music performances by students. The students showcased their immense talent demonstrating the dedication and creativity that has been nurtured within the school's growing arts programs.

“This is the first show experience ever, for a lot of this cast,” said Ms. Lamar, the musical theatre director who helped bring the performance to life. “It has been my pleasure to teach, direct and introduce these young actors to the art of theatre as a whole. This show has a near and dear place in my heart!”

Family , students, faculty, and community members packed the King Opera House Theatre for each performance, watching as the students brought the story of Moana to life. The success of the performance has already sparked excitement for the future of the school’s arts programs, with many students expressing interest in taking part in future productions. The event was a celebration not only of the musical theatre department’s debut but also of the school’s commitment to enriching the lives of Arkansas students through the arts.

ICA will have many new performances to come. Stay tuned for updates on future productions, as ICA continues to grow and inspire!

Production photography by Amber Canada Photography

Cast List for Moana JrCrew List for Moana Jr